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waste invaders to highlight wasted licenses

Edventure were asked to create a fun packed promotion that will highlight the huge number of wasted licences that can be on an organisations network, licences on recurring fees that are never used or in some cases they’re not even aware of having.

The game was aimed at highlighting the benefits of working with the clients partners to utilise their software asset audit tools.

3D image of a guy wearing VR set and holding laser guns

the game

EdVenture Pattern

Visualisation and education

Highlighting the huge number of wasted licenses that needed removing on organisation networks was the key visualisation component. Using this, Edventure created a space invaders like game which allowed users to target and remove old licenses whilst avoiding the needed licenses.

competitive edge

Waste Invaders involved a leader board, which enabled users to fight it out for the top prizes. Increasing game hits and return rates.

EdVenture Patternscreenshot of the game
EdVenture Patterngameplay image

the results

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Diamond and a cursor

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